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'Step into Narnia' Dorking Photoshoot

Writer: Surrey FrillsSurrey Frills

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

Katie Brown from Rejuvenating Joy captures those rare and candid moments behind the scenes.

There’s no doubt that Dorking is brimming with renewed creativity – new shops are opening and there’s a general buzz around town. The Surrey Frills team came up with the idea of a photoshoot to showcase Dorking’s finest independents.

We knew our mission and we had our vision.

Surrey Frills is all about fusing incredible fashion with incredible places and celebrating

anything and everything fashion and style in the Surrey Hills.

Our passion and drive is Love Local and why not?

With more than 80 fashion independents dotted throughout the hills we want to share Surrey’s best sartorial secrets. We launched our website with our hometown, Dorking. Word began to spread and we were thrilled that so many local businesses wanted to work with us. From the moment Joel and Agnes from the Old House pub offered us their mystical & magical Narnia room, our creative juices didn’t stop flowing.

Libby and Georgia from Si Salon work their magic, enhancing Hel and Mel'snatural beauty.!

We started with an inspirational mood board – ok we didn’t have reindeer-sleighs, snowflakes and ice sculptures but we did have a colourful cockerel, fishing rods, a mosaic lamp and plenty of stylish clothes!

Surrey style bloggers –Strike a pose- there’s nothing to it – We love these ladies!

So on a chilly day in November, the Narnia room became a hive of activity; we were all


Clothes collected, fishing rods delivered, coffees ordered and our dream team assembled -

Lights, Camera, Action………..

“Send in the butchers” exclaimed Hell. The popular Dorking Butchery Boys, Jack and Lewis strike a few poses.

Award-winning stylist Lorraine Iles and Marie style the clothes from all eight independent Dorking boutiques.

We had a great day and huge thanks to everyone involved – we love working

with you.



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