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Ros Dodd Life Coaching

Surrey, London & Online

You can’t get to where you want to be if you don’t know where you are heading.

Ros Dodd is a certified and accredited life and sobriety coach based in Surrey. With a BA Hons degree, and accredited by the IAPC&M (International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring), Ros has a specialised interest in Applied Neuroscience for Coaching. Personal life coaching is rapidly demonstrating it's place in our world where the pressure is high and circumstances unfixed. One-on-one, personalised discussion is integral to holding up a red stop sign to our own self-limiting behaviours and regaining control.

Ros is also a student clinical hypnotherapist and will qualify in July this year.
“I’m here to help people change their lives and make progress that they don’t think is possible.”
Ros helps clients to address imbalances in their lives, and set out clear goals for their future. Finding clarity and taking proactive steps to create lasting, transformative change.

Ros will help you meet and exceed your personal and professional goals by supporting you on your journey to rediscover your strengths and abilities. A huge part of her work is enabling clients to identify and face challenges to help them overcome barriers so that they can move forward with total clarity and confidence.

“My coaching specialisms include:
Sobriety coaching
Flourishing at 40 and beyond
Creating change in stuck lives
Reconnecting with yourself
Helping you achieve your potential.”

Sessions are either in person at Ros Dodd Wellbeing, Surrey, or in London W1, or from anywhere in the world via video conferencing.
Each session is bespoke and designed at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Get in touch...

Ros Dodd

Number: 07590 546870

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